Degree Drives Grad to Automotive Career

As the job market becomes more competitive, the importance of getting an education increases. It’s one of the many reasons Hayes Bentley started early and enrolled in the College-NOW program at North Central State College. Those experiences lead him to multiple internships for worldwide companies like Tesla and Marathon Petroleum.
“NC State prepared me for my future career by helping me build a strong engineering background while still in high school,” Bentley explains. “The combination of taking fundamental engineering classes and completing various engineering projects allowed me to be a strong, confident engineer.”
Bentley enrolled in the College-NOW engineering program from 2018-2019 while attending Northmor High School simultaneously. He says he chose NC State specifically for the engineering program, “It was one of the best decisions I ever made as I was able to gain valuable experience while also developing a great baseline of skills before entering a four-year university.”
Check out the full story here.